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Polls are not votes. The candidates are not deadlocked. There is no ahead or behind, even ‘with 72% of precincts reporting’ on election night. The way elections work is they’re 0-0 all the way up until the votes are counted and then someone wins.”

Discussion  8 comments

Marc B.

This is something I keep needing to hear and remember. Thank you.


If you’re looking for an opportunity to make a difference in the next week and a half:

Mary Wallace

I saw this headline and decided that I need to skip reading the NYT for a couple of weeks. And fill out my mail-in ballot today.

Tom Robertson

Sending good vibes from your worried neighbours to the North.

Daniel Swartz

With major newspapers such as the Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post declining to make an endorsement in such a critically and historically important election, it only serves to remind people yet again that billionaires should not control the media. They are cowering at the thought of Trump trying to shut them down in 2025. The Times, while endorsing Harris, certainly frame the news in an over the top noncommittal way which is infuriating. They should know better.

Matthew Cohen

Or maybe they realize that ~65% of Americans and ~75% of independents hate the mainstream media, and that and an endorsement of Harris is more likely to nudge people towards Trump...?

Also, not to rain on anyone's parade, but polls by organizations like the NYT are quite reliable. Which is to say that this election is going to be very close. Yes, only one candidate is going to win. But "polls are not votes" is not too far away from "a republic, not a democracy." Technically true, but... eh.

Matthew Cohen

Sorry, that came off way ruder and more aggressive than I intended.

Atanas Entchev

Apropos of your link to your Bluesky account, what's your take on Bluesky's Series A venture capital round with Blockchain Capital as the lead?

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