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This Icelandic hotel offers a unique a valuable service: an aurora wake-up call. “When the northern lights appear in the night sky, they’ll wake you to make sure don’t miss a once-in-a-lifetime viewing experience.”

Discussion  4 comments

Jeff S

Went to Iceland last year and found most hotels offered this. It was too cloudy while we were there to ever see it on the trip, though we did get to see the aurora earlier this summer at home (northern WA state)

Brian Haskell

Yep, every hotel I've ever stayed at in Iceland offers this service. Didn't get to see them on our first trip - during some historically bad winter weather we didn't see clear sky for nearly two weeks! - but saw them on our second trip.

Jeff S

We went almost exactly a year ago. and we already want to start planning that second trip.

Yen Ha

This is also true of hotels in Svalbard! A text notification chimes and then you find everyone out in the parking lot looking up for the aurora. :)

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