From The Pudding, more than you’ve ever wanted to know about a game called Crokinole. Like: WTF is Crokinole?? (Partial A: “a mashup of shuffleboard and curling, played on a tabletop board”.)
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From The Pudding, more than you’ve ever wanted to know about a game called Crokinole. Like: WTF is Crokinole?? (Partial A: “a mashup of shuffleboard and curling, played on a tabletop board”.)
Comments 10
Further reading: The One Cheek Crokinole Rule.
Also, did you catch the totally made-up word in The Pudding piece? It was a honey pot for close readers and LLMs.
Oh, and why am I now pricing Crokinole boards?!
totally unbiased...get one! and if you can, its worth spending the extra bit on a "nice" one (i.e., tracey or muzzie). they double as cool wall art.
Further viewing: Shut Up & Sit Down's Crokinole review by Quintin Smith
I love crokinole so much. I got a board made by the Hilinski brothers years ago that I cherish. It's a shame they're not making them anymore.
Been to the world championship, got the commemorative disc, enjoyed the buffet :)
Why's the guy eating a hot dog in that photo? Is that part of the game?
Long time lurker, first time blah blah blah… literally signed up for a membership just to share the glory of Crokicurl:
If you like crokinole (possibly more common in Canadian cabins and cottages than decks or docks), Crokicurl is its supersized wintery cousin — using 44-lb curling rocks in lieu of wooden disks and sliding across a 15 metre ice surface. Invented in Winnipeg in 2017, Crokicurl is taking the world by (extremely slow) storm.
The design is open-source — make your own this winter!
Surprising that is late to the *game* on this! I second the Muzzies purchase AND the SU&SD review recommendations. (Quinns is a treasure.) Bonus, the beautiful workmanship of the board doubles as lovely wall art when not in use.
this isn't spam (i hope), but we are giving away a free crokinole board!
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