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Foursquare is shutting down their city guide app and website. Sad but I hope this is true: “Foursquare is focused on building even better experiences for you in Swarm.” (I love Swarm and use it every day still.)

Discussion  4 comments

Daniel O

Jason - I just followed you!

I love swarm and I wish foursquare never gave up on the original vision and all it could be.

There's a new crop of apps out there, like Beli, that are trying to recreate aspects of the original foursquare vision. Also I hear Dennis Crowley, the founder of Foursquare, is working on a new audio first location aware app.

Andy Baio

I will never understand why they removed check-ins from Foursquare to create Swarm. Most confusing product decision ever.


A bummer for sure. Still so much potential in this space. Fortunately Swarm will still live on ... I use it near daily *and* it's great to look up places I've previously visited / see what my friends are up to. RIP Foursquare ...

Scotty McMillin

Sadly I’m the only one left of all my friends on Swarm who still checks in. The pandemic was the final nail in the coffin for many folks I think.

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