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Jimmy Carter cast his mail-in ballot for Kamala Harris today, two months after stating he wanted to live long enough to do so. Carter was born when Calvin Coolidge was president and was first eligible to vote in the 1948 election (Truman vs Dewey).

Discussion  4 comments

Jason KottkeMOD

Could Carter have voted for FDR in 1944? Carter was 20 in Nov 1944 and the voting age in the US was 21...but Georgia had recently lowered the voting age to 18. Carter was at the Naval Academy in Maryland from 1943 to 1946. Did he change his residence? I can't find anything ()other than speculation) about whether Carter voted for FDR or what even eligible to vote that year. Anyone?

Chris Glass

Started clapping enthusiastically while at a stoplight when I heard this news.

Karen E.

Funny, I’m GenX and was just thinking today about how I used to hang out with my great-grandmother after school. We’d watch Lawrence Welk or make candy on the stove. She was born in 1885, and caused a stir by riding horses bareback (not ladylike) yet here I sit, talking to my GenZ son about Snapchat and other digital distractions.

Karen E.

She lived to 101.

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