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Forums Are Still Alive, Active, And A Treasure Trove Of Information. A huge list of still-active internet forums on topics like audio, drugs, plants, home repair, crafting, sports, cars, and all sorts of other things.

Discussion  3 comments

Rebecca Nelson Edited

A couple years ago I decided to replay The Legend of Kyrandia, an MS-DOS adventure game by Westwood Studios that I first played in high school. As usual, I got stuck on one of the puzzles. So I hopped on the internet to search for a solution...

...and found my answer in a forum where I had asked the exact same question during another replay around a decade earlier*. ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ

*When the Internet is good, it is very good.

Tra H

Going to go to bat for my two favorite forums that were listed.

The article has Smoking Meats listed under "Hyper-Niche Activities (Useful)" and I wholeheartedly agree. I swear by the Smoking Meats forum whenever I'm firing up the smoker. I go back to this tutorial on how to safely make lox every year, and it has never failed to impress. I make enough lox in the winter to give some as gifts and freeze for us to have during the year.

They listed the Bogleheads forum as "Hyper-Niche Obsessions (Questionable)" seemingly based on a post discussing a very outlandish, experimental approach to retirement but that would be like judging NYC based on Times Square on New Year's Eve. The forum is generally open very conservative in its approach, and the accompanying Boglehead wiki site is probably the single best resource on the internet for a straightforward approach to retirement planning. I found it last year, and it completely changed how I was thinking about retirement, and I highly recommend it.

Matt G

This a great resource.

While not readily available, the serious private torrent trackers also tend to have good forums full of people with an incredible depth of knowledge in the topic.

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