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A short thread of videos that sync perfectly to other audio tracks, e.g. This Is America video clip set to Call Me Maybe or the Peanuts dance party set to Joy Division.

Discussion  7 comments


You know about There I Ruined it, right?

Tim Gerdes

For my money, the single greatest example of this phenomenon, the Jupiter segment of 2001: A Space Odyssey synched to Pink Floyd’s Echoes.

Ciarán Walsh

There's also a subreddit

jgs Edited

While the following are only tangentially related, they are some of my all time favorite things on the internet:
1. The perfect mash up of
Call Me Maybe and NIN's Head Like a Hole.
2. African Grey Parrot sings let the bodies hit the floor

thank you for the (admittedly loose) pretext to revisit them.

James Risley

this youtube duet of LCD Soundsystem and Miles Davis has ruined the regular song for me:

Jason KottkeMOD

Oh wow, I've never seen this before. Magical.

Reply in this thread

Nicholas Boyakovsky

Dirty Dancing with The Muppets Theme

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