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Report: NBC is shelving Separated (Errol Morris’ documentary on Trump’s inhumane child separation policies) until after the election because they don’t want to offend Trump โ€” they hope he’ll agree to another debate. (Maybe they bought it to shelve it?)

Discussion  5 comments

Dave Thompson

Ok. If this isn't proof that the media isn't terrified of Trump NOT being President, I don't know what is. It's about money and page views for these guys. Imagine being a producer without a Trump story to run...
Their business is ratings. Period. Trump means eyeballs. Eyeballs mean ad revenue. Follow the money...

Tra H

The news media has been all but praying in the public square for him to return to the White House because they know it means we'll all be visiting their sites to follow every scandal. I've been toying with this idea that, in the event of a 2nd Trump term, an effective protest would be for people to unsubscribe from big news sites like NYT and WaPo and get subscriptions to their local newspaper instead. We really shouldn't be rewarding this journalistic malfeasance with increased attention.

Colter Mccorkindale

If only people still had local newspapers.

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Hugh C. McBride

I'm so old I remember when only "fringe" media outlets like the National Enquirer were de facto arms of the Trump campaign.

I don't know much about media and journalism, but of this I'm 100% certain: When you're copying David Pecker, you're doing it wrong.

Chuck Loesner

Hey NBC, set aside a Separated-length block of prime time the week before the election, offer it to the candidates for a debate, and if they don't show, run the documentary. Problem solved.

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