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“As of late September 2024, residential households in the U.S. are eligible for another order of 4 free at-home [Covid] tests from USPS.” Order here!

Discussion  9 comments


I’ve got a kid in elementary school, we go through these things surprisingly fast. Thanks for the reminder!

Thomas Moore

What Dalton said. Thanks!

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Alex Weinstein is seriously the only way I know about the free home tests. Every time. Thanks Jason!

Kim D.

Amen. Thanks Jason!

Wade M

This is the case for me too! I happened to see someone mention it on Threads this time and immediately came here to find the link. Thank you Jason, you are doing more for public health than you know :)

Catherine Brennan

Yeh thanks.


Same. I’m surprised I hadn’t heard about it somewhere else. Many thanks!


Just ordered ours. Thanks!

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Jason KottkeMOD

Gregory Possum-Finder on Bluesky:

i love that i only know i can order more free covid tests when someone i follow on social media is like "heads up! go to the usps website today!" a robust public health infrastructure modelled on "McRib Is Back"

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