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Google is serving AI-generated images of mushrooms when users search for some species, a risky and potentially fatal error for foragers who are trying to figure out what mushrooms are safe to eat.” JFC.

Comments  4

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Colter Mccorkindale

Does Google not have a Risk division? Serving up 3rd party links has historically limited Google's risk exposure. But Google providing anything via A.I. is a MASSIVE liability risk. Start lawyering up now, Google.

Pete Ashton

This cropped up on Amazon a few months ago with ML-generated mushroom foraging books suggesting poisonous mushrooms.

Josh Fischel

The plain solution is to just avoid all mushrooms, because even the poisonous ones will kill you and the edible ones are gross.

Trent Seigfried

I am continuously baffled by the hype train for LLMs. Their output is consistently inaccurate and low quality. Good online curators are needed more than ever.

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