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Apple just announced a number of hearing health features for AirPods Pro 2, including the ability to use them as over-the-counter hearing aids. (Oh and sleep apnea detection for the new Apple Watch.)

Discussion  3 comments


I feel like both the airpods pro and the pixel buds pro have supported these types of features for a while, maybe less clearly packaged, I'm curious if you're seeing a major delta here or just good branding.

Brian Pan

It's not branding, it's FDA approval (in the US).

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Jason KottkeMOD

The FDA has approved the software update that enables the hearing aid feature for the AirPods Pro.

Today’s marketing authorization of an over-the-counter hearing aid software on a widely used consumer audio product is another step that advances the availability, accessibility and acceptability of hearing support for adults with perceived mild to moderate hearing loss.

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