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Is my date’s flat-earth beliefs a dealbreaker? “Our beliefs aren’t just a barometer of what we think is true. They’re also bound up with what we value; our attitude to how thinking itself should work. When will you count something as true?”

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Atanas Entchev

Kind of off topic, but not really. I feel the same way about Linkin Park's new vocalist Emily Armstrong, upon finding out that she is a Scientologist. She sounds great, and fits in with the band perfectly, but... You may say don't judge people's religion. But flat earth is also a kind of religion, even though it's not (yet) labeled as such.

Colter Mccorkindale

Interesting comparison. Flat Earthers make Scientologists seem reasonable, though. Which is worse: thetans exist, or that everything we know about gravitation, astronomy, oceanography, geography, geology, meteorology, cartography, and basic physics is wrong and every scientist in the world is either in on the hoax or duped by it?

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