The Harris campaign posted a TikTok of Donald Trump talking about his stance on abortion in a split-screen next to a gameplay clip of Subway Surfer for low-attention-span viewers. This is genius. “Top-tier information conveyance.”
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The Harris campaign posted a TikTok of Donald Trump talking about his stance on abortion in a split-screen next to a gameplay clip of Subway Surfer for low-attention-span viewers. This is genius. “Top-tier information conveyance.”
Comments 5
404 Media wrote about this as well: Kamala Harris Campaign Experiments With Ads for an Audience With “Brain Rot”.
This is genius. I wouldn't consider myself to have a low attention span, but I do suffer from acute chronic DJT fatigue, so I rarely listen to him to talk, or watch any video where he's talking, or really engage in any media where I have to see his face.
However, I've never seen this Subway Surfer game before and actually watched the whole video and was able to listen to all the stuff that guy said without rage-quitting after 10 seconds like I usually do.
I just came back here to say this exact thing. 100%.
Same, Tra! It’s the DJT fatigue for me. Meanwhile, this ad got me through all his utterances to their point.
Man, I value this thread for giving voice to something I've been unconsciously experiencing! I hadn't really noticed the pattern in myself, but I find that I totally lose focus and/or just bail on whatever I'm watching / listening to whenever he pops up or starts talking... and it's not due to a disinterest in politics or the coming elections. Thanks for helping me realize what's at the root of this!
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