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100 tiny tricks for sorting out your life. I did this one recently: “Take 10 minutes to tackle the inevitable plastic boxes and lids situation in your kitchen.” (All this advice all at once was kinda overwhelming tbh.)

Discussion  7 comments

Stephanie A-H

It's interesting. The "100 best episodes of TV" post was interesting and fun to read, even though I haven't seen many of the shows mentioned. The IDEA of "100 tiny tricks for sorting out your life" is automatically making me nervous and exhausted. Maybe it's the unseen suggestion of "....and you should do them right now." ?

Pete Ashton

The general vibe seems to be "be a bit autistic, but not too autistic" which works for me! Other than a few clangers (why do people insist on shilling for that what3words nonsense?) plenty of good stuff.

Yen Ha

I like this. I'm going to add keeping a list of everything in the freezer next to the freezer and see how that works out.

Mary Wallace Edited

I agree with Stephanie. Reading through the list stressed me out a bit. However, I also found I do a lot of these things to manage my ADHD life. Be a bit ADHD, but not too ADHD.

Tra H

I want to add one: Pack a toiletry bag, then leave it packed.

I have my toiletry bag under my sink ready to go at all times because when you're packing for travel, packing your toiletry bag is like packing a separate tiny suitcase, and you'll often forget something, especially when you plan to put stuff in it after you use it right before hitting the road. Now, packing toiletries is as stress-free, and you can just throw them in the suitcase the night before with everything else.

I also keep extras of the travel-sized things I need and when I return from travel I just swap the empties out and throw the bag back under the sink.

Yen Ha

I do this too!

Jason KottkeMOD

I do this too, but there are a few unique items (contact lenses, eyeglasses, medication) that I always have to swap in and out which creates frustrating packing/unpacking friction.

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