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Taking Some Time

Hey folks. I’m gonna be on vacation with my family for the rest of the week, so I won’t be posting here that much, if at all. September is going to be busy — kids back to school, Ollie applying to college, mtn biking — so I’m gonna recharge the ol’ batts at the beach.

Even though next month will be hectic, I’m looking forward to getting back to mucking about with the guts of the site after taking the summer off from that. I’ve got some rough ideas about improvements for the comments section, adding social features, and a few other things.

Catch you back here next Tuesday!

Comments  17

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Chris Bredesen

Enjoy your time off! Don't forget sunscreen :)

Taylor S

Enjoy your time off!

Greg Hill

"Ollie applying to college" !! The most terrifying liberating exciting hopeful and once again terrifying thing a parent ever goes through. Good luck and great strength!

Margaret M.

It’s crazy to think that I’ve been reading daily-ish since well before Ollie was born…. The internet is a weird place.

Jason KottkeMOD is old enough to rent a car without a "young renters" surcharge! Or to be a US Representative. In fewer than 4 years, it could serve in the Senate. It's absurd!

Reply in this thread

CW Moss

Hope you have a lovely time off, JK. You've earned it. It's been a great year on the site. ✨



Paul Josey

Yep, site is in good hands these days - thank you! Enjoy the break.

Jay Rendon


Mike F.

Glad to hear it, Jason - enjoy the time off and the time with the kids. It's only going to get less from here on out, so get all you can.

Dan O.

Have a great time off!


You've earned it, JK!

Have fun, drink lots of water, wear a hat, and don't forget sunscreen!

Chaston Kome


Paolo Palombo

Enjoy your time off! Send a postcard...


Enjoy! Hope you get out for some good rides!


Enjoy the time off! The site is better than ever!

C U Next Tuesday! ;)

PDX Phil

What is thrilling to me is the amount of people popping up to encourage you to take and enjoy a fun, family break. Inspiring! Please add my voice to this choir!

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