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Livestreams of Watering Holes in the Namibian Desert

I’ve been enjoying watching these livestreams of watering holes in the arid regions of Namibia. As I’m looking now, there appear to be some zebras and giraffes hanging out โ€” previous sightings include hyenas, ostriches, cheetahs, wildebeest, oryx, and even honey badgers. You can find more cams and archived footage at @NamibiaCam.

Discussion  2 comments

Jason Shure

I've been watching one of the Namibia cams for years. Not only do you get those real-time glimpses of action like the post highlights, but the youtube shows the last 24 hours and there is a vibrant comment section guiding one to the timestamped moments of action. That all said, for me, the inaction is the metaphysical part. I can get lost watching moths on the light at night, or the shfiting light at sunset, or some little bunny moving in and out of frame indifferent to the gaze. A magical site.


i love this so much! thanks for posting

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