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Oasis is reuniting after 16 years with a 14-stop tour of the UK & Ireland in 2025. “The guns have fallen silent. The stars have aligned. The great wait is over. Come see. It will not be televised.”

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Timothy C Truxell

My wife, two friends, and I travelled to Glasgow in 2017 for The Stone Roses' last hurrah, and we had a great time (because none of ever had the chance to see them live). YMMV though. I'd rather Pulp come to the US than hauling my butt across the pond for this.

Alana Cloutier

2025?! No way those two are going to make it to that deadline and not fall out again.

Ras Fincher

I wonder if Vegas has odds on this, because I would be willing to bet the tour never happens.

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Hmmm... Hell has frozen over or someone needs money. My own money is on the latter.

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