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Good news! The new Covid-19 vacines are scheduled to be approved soon and could be available by Labor Day (or soon after). The CDC recommends updated shots for everyone 6 months and older.

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Durian Schmell Edited

At the risk of being cancelled, I’ll offer this viewpoint. (By the way, I am not a JFK jr vaccine denialist by any means.)

It’s crazy making to me that The CDC continues to recommend universal Covid boosters in 2024! There is no up-to-date evidence On whether continuing boosters prevents severe COVID-19 in previously vaccinated individuals.

Neither WHO or European centers for disease control recommend universal boosters. They recommend them only for those older than 65 Or those with immunocompromise. The US turns out to be an outlier compared to our European counterparts in a few ways: 1, we don’t have universal healthcare. 2, we recommend universal Covid boosters without evidence. 3, we have the highest healthcare expense.

These are related facts.

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