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Disney has cancelled The Acolyte after one season. Such a high ratings bar for these series to clear — and few of them have.

Comments  4

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Crystal Mangahas

So bummed! I loved Manny Jacinto in this.

Ben Timberlake

I am happy if some people liked the Acolyte, but I found its storytelling and writing to be woefully weak, and not in any charming Star Wars manner. I was worried that ridiculous claims about “woke” casting would obscure genuine criticism, but this cancellation actually gives me hope that Disney execs care about the direction of the franchise. I guess the motivations for the decision may have been based more on cost and viewer numbers, but my hope is that taste played some part.

Trent Seigfried

To me, it was a series with some very very good things and some very questionable choices, too. I feel the same way about most of the Star Wars content on Disney+, excepting the excellent Andor.


I couldn't agree more. There were a lot of inconsistencies in the storytelling of The Acolyte. Mae's behavior was confusing and her actions seemed unmotivated to me.

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