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Not sure why I didn’t know that Chris Ware has released two volumes of sketchbooks, but the third one comes out this fall. “Ware finally succumbs to imaginary public pressure by concluding his tiresome experiment in reader trust…”

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Joshua Leto

I've always been enamored with Chris Ware's comics, but the great level of his skill as an artist didn't come until I saw those first two sketchbooks. Incredible expressiveness that you can only see if you look carefully at the last twenty years of his comics.

CW Moss

I've been trying to track down more artists who share their sketchbooks, especially ones that are less edited or a bit more unabridged. I like when you can see their work forming and style building through the sketchbooks.

My current list:

  • These Chris Ware books
  • James Jean's Process Recess
  • All the R. Crumb Sketchbooks
  • The Lost Art of Heinrich Kley
  • The little Lee Lozano 'Private Books'

If anyone has any recommendations, I'd gladly take them.

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