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Lethonomia “refers to the inability to recall someone’s name”. I can never remember the name of the actor who plays Frodo in LOTR or Spider-Man from Sam Raimi’s movies.

Discussion  6 comments

Jason KottkeMOD

I also suffer from loganamnosis: "an obsession for trying to recall forgotten words or a specific word". The number of times I have uttered, "I've almost got it, it's right there, oh this is going to drive me nuts for the rest of the evening." And no, you can't look it up, that's cheating!

Rob Turpin

I've absolutely got in to the habit, which probably isn't a good one, of looking stuff up the moment I can't remember. Too lazy to get frustrated by the struggle!

Also, on Lethonomia, I can never remember the name of the actor from Game of Thrones - that isn't Kit Harrington. You know the one. Whatshisname - thingy - who's also in that other thing.

Stefan J

@Rob - Richard Madden?

Yen Ha

This makes SB very challenging

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Lorem Ipsum

It's Elijah Wood. : )

Matthew Haughey

Oliver Platt always takes me ten minutes to remember that guy from the thing and the other thing and then once when I went to momofuku ramen he was even at the next table and I couldn’t pull his name out of my brain.

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