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An English couple took photos in front of a Swiss glacier in 2009 & 2024 and the difference is shocking. “Switzerland has lost one-third of its glacier volume since 2000…and 10% has disappeared in the last two years alone.”

Discussion  3 comments

Paul Burdick

Very depressing. Currently reading The Heat Will Kill You First ( and I can only ready a few chapters before I need to just walk away.

Meg Hourihan

That book is FANTASTIC and utterly transformed the way I think about heat. If you haven't read it, his other book "The Water Will Come" is also excellent.

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Paul Pomeroy

I guess the phrase "at a glacial pace" is now dated. So is nature's mechanism for slowly dispersing the water collected and stored at high altitudes as ice. The downstream effects of this will be civilization changing in due time ...

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