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Susannah Breslin discovers that you can post nudity on YouTube if it’s artistic (or advertising?) “[YouTube’s policy] did not seem to allow for viewer interpretation.”

Comments  5

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Trent Seigfried

Another example of this is the "unrated" version of Robin Thicke's "Blurred Lines" video. I might question the, shall we say, artistic merit of the song, but it's another example of how YouTube sometimes does bend their content rules.

Mike Akers

Not just topless, there are videos about nudism with fully nude people just going about their nudist lives, going on hikes and stuff. The algorithm does a good job of not recommending them but they're out there.

I've also seen boobs in music videos, most recently the video for Rammstein's song "Sonne"

Leon Barnard

That video is giving off strong “Succession” Intro vibes.

Tom Robertson

Please tell me there is a titillation committee at YouTube who makes the call on whether nudity in a video is titillating. And I sincerely hope they have a rubric to judge that by.

Jason KottkeMOD

No idea why, but I had assumed there was no nudity on YouTube (because it's not allowed on Insta?). But that is definitely not the case: nude yoga. NSFW obvs.

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