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Fun little browser game: What Beats Rock?

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This is the best single serving page since

Jason KottkeMOD

This reminds me of Infinite Craft; they both use AI to create relationships between objects.

John Sawyer

Love it. Somehow in six steps I became the first person to beat climate change with public policy. Who knew it only took a dinky little browser app to get it right?! ;)

Jason KottkeMOD

What beat public policy tho?

Dan Sacks

Haha somehow I went down this path too and said that electrification beats climate change but fossil fuel interest beat electrification. The AI said fossil fuel interests do not in fact beat electrification. Good news!

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First person to beat enlightenment with worldliness. Take that, Buddha!

Matt G

I ended at heat death/entropy. That was good.

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