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10 settings to tweak to increase iPhone battery life, including turning off the always-on display and reducing your screen refresh rate. Also, stop quitting your apps…it doesn’t help!

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I know the article mentions it afterwards as a bonus, but many (most?) of these are set automatically when putting the phone in Low Battery Mode. The tradeoff of experience vs battery is real, but many may prefer keeping the features of the phone and not having to mess with settings as often. If I plan to be out for a while without ability to charge, I'll put my phone in Low Battery Mode even if I'm at 100% charge—an easy control center toggle.

Lacey V

Or more extreme: Airplane Mode. When we go camping in places where the signal is spotty, putting my phone in Airplane Mode unless I actively need to get a signal helps the battery last an entire long weekend without charging (with the added bonus that I then only pull it out to take photos).

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What will be nice in iOS18 is the ability to add shortcuts to Control Centre, to which I’ll be able to add shortcuts which actually fully disable WiFi and Bluetooth - instead of the “Off but not really” option Apple have stuck us with.

Tom Robertson Edited

If you’re really really concerned about battery life I guess I get this, but a lot of this is just like “turn off these features of your phone that are useful”.

Like I know my battery will last longer with the always on display turned off but I love it. And it is smart enough to turn off when it’s in my pocket or if I’m far enough away from it. Same with live activities and haptic keyboard feedback. They’re awesome.

I should say I charge my phone every night and I’ll often throw it on a MagSafe charger when I’m not using it. And I carry a battery charger and backup battery if I’m going to be out all day with it. (But even then I rarely need them.) Okay, so maybe I’m not normal here. But I just find that way I just use my phone however I want and still don’t really worry about the battery.

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