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tinyPod turns a strapless Apple Watch into a wee iPod with a click-wheel. “Is it brilliant? Is it bizarre? Maybe a bit of both.”

Discussion  5 comments

Dave Sandell

This is perfect for our kids who are longing for a music player, but who we're not ready to give a phone to for several more years. Bonus that they could call or text us on it.


I don’t understand how it’s supposed to pass input from the wheel to the watch.

Jason KottkeMOD

I'm assuming Bluetooth? You can use the watch to control other devices so maybe that can work both ways?


I just discovered that Watch supports keyboard input but it’s positioned as an accessibility feature so I’m not sure how expansive it is.

If a clockwise scroll just fakes pressing the down arrow repeatedly it’s gonna lack the joy of accelerated scrolling.

I spent the afternoon researching Watch’s Bluetooth input support and some of the interactions they show in the video seem impossible with keyboard input.

With all of that said, I’d love to see it work. I’d buy one just to fiddle with it even if I don’t plan to use it regularly.

Jason KottkeMOD

Ah, interesting. Thanks for the info!

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