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The Pyramids of Giza, Shrouded in Mist

the Pyramids of Giza, shrouded in mist

the Pyramids of Giza, shrouded in mist

the Pyramids of Giza, shrouded in mist

the Pyramids of Giza, shrouded in mist

Wonderful shots of the pyramids of Giza by Egyptian photographer Karim Amr. From a caption on one of his photos three years ago:

I’m a 21 years old photographer you can see a lot of photos I share at the pyramids cause I just live near the pyramids so it’s easy for me to go and shoot there. I started doing photography to share my thoughts with others it’s how I express my feelings it’s also my escape from life. Life is tough and not easy for some of us and you got to find your place in this world.

Prints of his photos are available and you can follow his work on Instagram.

Discussion  2 comments

Phil Wells

The outlines of the bricks make these look like VGA backgrounds in an old pixel-rich Sierra game.

Bo Brock

The top two are the most striking photographs I've ever seen. My jaw literally fell open.

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