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For All Mankind has been renewed for a fifth season and the show is getting a Apple TV+ spin-off called Star City, which will follow the same alt-timeline as FAM but from the Soviet perspective.

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Mike F. Edited

Just me, or is "For All Mankind" just laughably bad. Like, it's almost camp, but maybe not everyone got the memo....(?).
Really bad acting by some of the recurring cast (I've liked Joel Kinneman in other things, but particularly his old man "act" and makeup was just awful), obvious plot points (spoiler: guy who's addicted to drugs does something that causes harm to others), cookie-cutter characters, etc.
And then some of the CGI, just...ugh! For a prestige TV show, this is the best they could do ?!


I really enjoyed the characters journeys and the epic decades long story payoffs from one season to the next.

Pete Ashton

I have the most love/hate relationship with this show above all others. I love all the space stuff, being an Apollo nerd, but my god the soap-opera nonsense is just the bloody worst! I have a theory that whatever magic Ronald D. Moore does with sci-fi just doesn't translate to earthbound realism - something about how Trek / BSG is abstracted enough to allow his broad-strokes emotional narratives to sit well but they just don't work on planet Earth.

I will be watching this to the end though (and am hyped for the Soviet spin-off which I hope corrects the (understandably, for the story) jingostic U!S!A! bias of FAM).

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David Nir

I loved the first season. Amazing. The second season was cool. But then wow did it go downhill quickly after that.

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