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A new “less competitive” version of Scrabble is coming soon. “Younger people, Gen Z people…want a game where you can simply enjoy language, words, being together and having fun creating words.”

Discussion  4 comments

Phil Gyford

The Guardian version of this press release included this:

When it comes to competitive gameplay, 35% of Britons think that baby boomers are the most competitive, followed by millennials (31%), with only 29% saying Gen Z is the most competitive generation.

I should wish that Generation X scored higher than an implied 5%, but I can’t be bothered.

Jason KottkeMOD


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Sam Brelsfoard

There's totally an opportunity for Scrabble to do something interesting here, but just judging from the photos it looks like they're adding rules/goals and not necessarily moving towards exploring words/language. I wish they'd moved in a more Bananagrams direction.

Sherif Tariq

I still love Scrabble because I grew up in a culture that worshipped (figuratively not literally 😁) language and words. My biggest problem is the current rules makes it hard to form long words after about 3-5 turns because the existing letters start to bunch together. I would love it if they could loosen the rules to allow overlapping words to allow the game to go on longer.

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