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A magnitude 4.8 earthquake rattled New Jersey this morning around 10:23am. I felt it up here in Vermont too — just a little shimmy that lasted for maybe 8-9 seconds. April blizzard, earthquake, eclipse…all perfectly normal stuff going on here.

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Jason KottkeMOD

Oh and I forgot to add: three power outages yesterday. Will let you know if I see any brimstone over the weekend.

Jason KottkeMOD

Interesting thread about how a 4.8 quake on the east coast differs from one on the west coast:

On the west coast you have bedrock broken up by a series of strike-slip faults, where plates are sliding along each other. A 4.8 there is a series of little jolts that doesn't travel far. The east coast is VERY FUCKING DIFFERENT. Bedrock is one big sheet for one.

The faults there are reverse slip faults, where one plate is going under another one. As a result you get quakes that feel like prolonged rumbling and can be felt much more strongly much farther away.

Sean Loiselle

According to Gov. Hochul, the earthquake technically occurred west of NYC. :)

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