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Short interview with a seismologist who has debunked a Harvard astrophysicist’s claim that an alien artifact was found on Earth. “One, if you want to do seismic analysis, it’s ideal if you check with a seismologist first. The other is, it’s not aliens.”

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Chris Koerner

I love the tongue-in-cheek cadence of that interview.

Just goes to show you that critical thinking skills and collaboration are important!

Jason KottkeMOD

"As in, a hyperspeed alien truck?" 😂

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Durian Schmell

I feel like I'm reading a Douglas Adams book.

Tim Erskine

I find it hard to believe that this article appearing on World Contact Day is just a coincidence. Clearly, the aliens have orchestrated this to cover their tracks, and Jason has been either duped or recruited to that effort. /s

Caroline G.

I have always thought that Aliens must be really smart because they somehow know that they should only abduct crazy people.

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