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Out today from Dr. Lisa Mosconi: The Menopause Brain. It’s a reexamination of menopause and perimenopause through the lens of neuroscience. Mosconi calls it “a scientist’s love letter to womanhood”.

Discussion  3 comments

Mary Wallace

Menopause is awesome.
I'll check out this book to see if there's any real solutions to menopause-induced insomnia. Improved sleep hygiene is no match for menopause. I can't remember the last time I got a solid 8 hours of sleep.

Kim D.

Oh yes! Sleep was horrible horrible and I got no real help from doctors. Started HRT 2-3 years ago (was 5 or so years into the big M) and I was finally able to sleep (my joints felt better (didn't realize they slid into a place needing improvement), no more night sweats, and skin isn't so dry anymore). Chemo and a Lupron shot at age 45 killed my cycle; I had a menopause experience compressed into about 3 months during chemo. I do not recommend this experience.

I'm going to order this book, looks really good.

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Andrew Harrison

A gentle reminder that Bookshop is a great alternative for physical book purchases. Here's the listing they have.

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