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Today I learned that you can make wine from Mountain Dew. Seeing the Mt Dew label on a wine bottle is breaking my brain a little. “Like most fine wines, these will be sealed with corks and labeled appropriately.”

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Wade A. Hutchison

I have friends who have made "dew mead" - made from honey and Mountain Dew syrup. Quality ranged from pretty good to awful. Nothing like being a wide-awake drunk.

Broccoli of Doom

I'd have a hard time calling this wine, unless they're growing genetically modified Mountain Dew fruit somewhere... Wait, are they growing genetically modified Mountain Dew fruit somewhere??


If it's not from the mountains between the Great Basin and the Central Valley of California, it's not technically Sierra Mist Wine.

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2 liter bottle of any soda, add some yeast, put a balloon over the top of the bottle with a pin prick hole in the balloon. Done and done.

Greg Storey

Now we know what they were really drinking in Idiocracy.

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