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“France on Monday enshrined the right to abortion in its constitution, a world first welcomed by women’s rights groups as historic.” The vote was 780 votes for and 72 against.

Discussion  5 comments

Jeff T.

780 + 72?! Suddenly 535 doesn't seem like nearly enough for the US.

Jason KottkeMOD

That was my thought as well. Out of curiosity, I looked at the list of national legislatures by number of members and the US ranks third in the world in most legislators per capita, behind India and Afghanistan. In the US, we have 1 legislative representative for every ~600,000 people. In 1924, it was 1 per ~215,000 people. In 1824, it was 1 per ~43,000. (France is currently 1 per ~70,000.)

Lisa S.

And, a French friend once told me, one expat to another, that expats get a representative in the National Assembly! No such luck in the US, and legislators are not interested in expat issues, they just want to tax us.

Lisa S.

And, a French friend once told me, one expat to another, that expats get a representative in the National Assembly! No such luck in the US, and legislators are not interested in expat issues, they just want to tax us.

Lisa S.

Aack, sorry for the duplicate replies. The post button was greyed out so I thought it hadn't posted, but when I reloaded, apparently it did.

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