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An amazing analysis of “title drops” (when a movie character says the name of a movie in the movie.) “There’s an average of 10.3 title drops per movie that title drops. If they do it, they really go for it.” (See: Barbie.)

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David Friedman

See also this Kottke post from 7 years ago!

John R Burnett

β€œI’m just so tired of all these Star Wars…” Leaving this here for anyone else who still makes space for lines from the Upright Citizens Brigade TV show.


This was my first thought as well and I'm ever so happy that you beat me to it! "I just can't wait til I get outta Africa"

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Zach Kuhn

I wonder if they counted Mark Ruffalo saying "Remember what we used to say when we were kids?" in YOU CAN COUNT ON ME even though he never actually SAYS the title in the "drop."


Michael: You know, your average American male is in a perpetual state of adolescence, you know, arrested development.

Narrator: Hey, that's the name of the show.

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