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Love Stamps? Love Stamps!

Love Stamps

A day late, but there’s room for love every day here at from the Portland Stamp Company, a history of LOVE stamps issued by the US Postal Service from 1973 to the present.

There are some heavy hitters amongst the designers of these stamps, including Robert Indiana, Sister Corita Kent, Jessica Hische, and Louise Fili. In looking at the designs over the years, it seems like things got noticeably pinker and redder over the past 10-12 years…I wonder what that’s about?

Also, “Chief Perforation Officer”. 😂

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David Friedman

Way back in 2016, you shared a video I made with the USPS art director Antonio Alcalá. If you jump to 1:49 in that video you can see a comparison of the 2015 LOVE stamp’s original pencil sketch by Antonio Alcalá and the final version by Jessica Hische.

That stamp has a cute bit of wordplay in the artwork, being a “Forever” stamp.

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