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Minimalism Is Neat, but Clutter Makes a Home. “I don’t necessarily love the look of mismatched junk congesting the nooks and crannies of my home, but the clutter satisfies a deeper emotional need.”

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She touches on the joy a particular object can bring and how it reminds someone of a good memory. A lot of my clutter on the other hand is stuff I've collected only in the past couple of years. After making my way through some significant life chaos, collecting vintage cookbooks, dishes and flatware was a sign to myself that I had a stable and inviting home. But I really don't have the storage for a lot of what I've gathered. Do I need any of the things I collect? No. Need would be the wrong word. Do they make me feel safe and successful? You bet they do even if they're on the living room floor waiting to be put away. They are the things with which I am making memories now, for myself and for the people around me.

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