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His Best Friend Was a 250-Pound Warthog. One Day, It Decided to Kill Him. “It wasn’t just an attack, as far as Austin was concerned, but a murderous act of betrayal, one that shattered everything he thought he knew about the deep bond between man and pig.”

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Danielle NH

"Unlike domestic animals, which have been bred for generations to exhibit behaviors that humans deem favorable, wild animals are capable of dramatic shifts in behavior, even when they appear tame." Not that I am going to get a pet Warthog any time soon, but that was very insightful.


When my girlfriend told me about this article on the weekend, I said with a sigh “well, you reap what you sow” — which got no laughs at all, but I think it’s the best I’ll ever do.

MacRae Linton

This reminds me of the old story of a family who had an Orangutang living with them. Totally fine for years(?) but then...

This is the "wild" in "wild animal"

Danielle NH

Same. The orangutang's name was Travis. I know this because I just googled. I recommend not googling for this story.

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