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The unsettling scourge of obituary spam. “In the wake of death, AI-generated obituaries litter search results, turning even private individuals into clickbait.” Thanks, Google!

Discussion  3 comments

Andy Baio

I completely agree that the fault for this primarily lies with Google. They created the financial incentives for people to create garbage like this, have completely failed to weed out inauthentic content from search, allowed bad actors to game their search rankings to drive traffic to these garbage sites, and are now instead focused on building free AI tools to let people pollute the web even more.

Jason KottkeMOD

Yeah exactly. And their incentives to fix this are all wrong.

Reply in this thread

Caroline G.

The New York Times recently had an article about this also: He Died in a Tragic Accident. Why Did the Internet Say He Was Murdered?

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