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From Culture magazine, the best cheeses of 2023. Lots of cheeses on here from Wisconsin and Vermont, including one from a farm literally 1/2 a mile from where I’m typing this.

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Mike Riley

As a Wisconsinite I can vouch for how much cheese is made (and consumed) here. I live 8 miles from LaClare Farm which is on that list of winners. I've never been in the place but you might be surprised how small of an operations that is. Super cool that a little place like that which make cheese completely in-house, their animals, their processing, and their on-line store.

Nick Baker

I feel like I should feel like this is lame, but I don't: One of my fondest memories of visiting family in Vermont is visiting the local cheese place and eating free samples (and buying cheese).

Brian W

Thanks for posting! I just ordered some aged Gouda from that list and I can't wait to try it. It says it's unpasteurized, which I thought was illegal in the US, but apparently it's not so cut and dry. From

"The judge in the seminal case ruled that unpasteurized milk is unsafe and banned the shipment of raw milk with the exception of raw milk cheese, provided it has been aged a minimum of 60 days and is clearly labeled as unpasteurized."

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