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AI can do your homework. Now what? “This presents a major challenge to educators, who now need to rethink their curriculum to either incorporate chatbot use or to attempt to deter it.”

Discussion  4 comments

Yen Ha

Lol everything I read from my 17-yr I can't help feeling suspicious that it's chatGPT writing

Caroline G.

ChatGPT is still pretty terrible at including relevant textual evidence in literary analysis essays... Unfortunately, most students are too.


That section at 11m19s is essential. ๐Ÿ‘€ So far, I've seen that essay writing can still be done at home, but drafts are turned into google classroom regularly, then returned, so that teachers can track diligent progress of the work. Either way, banning is shortsighted. As many note in path 2, banning AI stigmatizes the technology without providing guidance, experience, and skill-building... and we now see the results of media illiteracy and misinformation all too often.

They discuss practicing critical thinking with AI as a learning tool in class in this Cult of Pedagogy podcast (around 13m16s). If students can learn how to evaluate, utilize, or reject what AI spits out, they'll hopefully know how to analyze information and make informed decisions so that they're better prepared for whatever is next.

David Greenfield

it's not just educators who need to rethink, it's the school IT department. my 13 year old recently found a way to get around the school's blocking of all AI functionality in its programs. we had him explain exactly how he did it to the school as part of punishment for his use of AI (which is cheating), so they could redo their systems. after listening to my son, the head of IT said- well I never would have thought you could do that.

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