The trailer for Civil War. Ok yes: A24, Alex Garland (Ex Machina, Devs), Kirsten Dunst, Jesse Plemons, Nick Offerman. But! A movie about a new US civil war just cuts too close to the truth for me โ watching that trailer was uncomfortable.
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The trailer for Civil War. Ok yes: A24, Alex Garland (Ex Machina, Devs), Kirsten Dunst, Jesse Plemons, Nick Offerman. But! A movie about a new US civil war just cuts too close to the truth for me โ watching that trailer was uncomfortable.
Discussion 4 comments
Why did they make this movie? I'm scared enough as it is.
Want to see just to find out what would have aligned California and Texas on the same side.
Maybe this is exactly the intended effect? After all feeling uncomfortable about civil war is not a bad thing, isn't it?
i'm a longtime student of history and i'm uncertain whether the u.s. 1860 election is the best metaphor for the present moment or the weimar republic. regardless, the present moment is freighted with so much angst of its own that it can't help but enhance the scares of the film.
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