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From a piece on “charismatic megaprotein” prime rib: “Half of all the beef consumed in the US on a given day is eaten by just 12% of the population. And members of that 12% were most likely to be white men between the ages of 50 and 65.”

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Desmond Kamas

Interesting story, though I found the pulled quote to be a bit misleading.

If I were to reword it based on the linked study, it would be this: “Half of all the beef consumed in the US on a given day is eaten by just 12% of the population. And members of that 12% were less likely to be non-Hispanic Asian or non-Hispanic Black, less likely to be 18-29 or over age 65, and 1.55 times more likely to be men.”

The original quote suggests “white men between the ages of 50-65” were a statistically significant group. It could be true, but it just wasn’t supported by this study. Other/Multiracial, Mexican Americans, and other non-Hispanics reported slightly higher disproportionate beef consumption than non-Hispanic whites, though none were statistically significant, and the 30-49 group was not statistically different from the 50-65 group.

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