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After the Jan 6 attack on Congress, a woman went on Bumble to help the FBI identify rioters. “Her strategy…was saying ‘Wow, crazy, tell me more’ to guys on repeat until they gave her enough for her to send their information to the FBI.”

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I have so many thoughts about how the internet can be a scary, harmful, unwelcoming place, but this article reminds me so much of how real & impactful activist, civic, and stewardship work is made more accessible thanks to the internet. I hope there are more actionable discourses about how we can do more than share a meme —but still do a lot right from our phone.

I also like to think that this woman just went one step further than all of us— she felt righteous anger and incredulity, yes. But then she dared to follow through with, "Hmmm, I wonder if I could..." What a gift for us all to be given that permission.

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