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Reporting on Long Covid Taught Me to Be a Better Journalist. “[It] solidified my view that science is not the objective, neutral force it is often misconstrued as. It is instead a human endeavor, relentlessly buffeted by our culture, values and politics.”

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James Sullivan

A must read!

Eric M

So glad to see Dr. Yong back to writing. And so sad to see how little of his words we've listened to. I really thought in those early months of the pandemic we were going to see a switch in society. People truly caring about others. Instead the rush to get back to "normal" has put millions at harm.

Mark Van Cleve

Science is the one area where 'matrix of contention' theory actually works as described: Many scientists have concluded that an asteroid killed the dinosaurs, some feel it was volcanism in what is now India. The two groups have been going at it hammer and tongs, motivated by very human drives like career, ego, etc. That means they're motivated to dig up and publish reams of data, from which we all benefit - just from that one controversy, we've learned so much about climate, volcanism, geology, etc. The science objectively works, even though it was collected by people often ludicrously lacking in objectivity.

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