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XKCD: label as many US states as you can on this blank map. Lol, this is evil.

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Most people forget Central Dakota.

Larry Garretson

And South North Carolina. I'm actually loving thinking of names for these. Let's call the one between CA and OR Cannabisia.

Jay C

I haven't been to Arkansas in a few years but I can't even remember the last time I visited Arnebraska.

Martin Kelley

I live the music of Tennetwosie.

Kitty G

Lol, the ALT TEXT.

Phil Wells

I want to see Al Franken, who can draw all the states from memory, seeing this map for the first time.

Lisa S.

Ohiana sounds vaguely Hawaiian, which would make it maybe a vacation destination for neighboring states?

Jay C

Exactly! It’s where Kokomo is.

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