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Joan Westenberg misses the old internet. “Today’s internet feels less like a global community and more like a series of walled gardens, each meticulously maintained to keep out any unpredicted, and thus, unprofitable, elements.”

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Matt G

I feel this. I've been feeling this for a decade.
I started a very small, local ISP about 10 years ago because I felt that there needs to be an alternative to the huge platforms and networks however inconsequential it may be.

Matt J.

I love the the tiny amount of irony I felt clicking the link to read the article and being subsequently prompted with a request to subscribe to Medium.
Apart from that, I totally get what she wants to say. Even more so since I only recently learned a little amount of html-coding for little website projects. Doing this made me feel nostalgic for the old internet in hindsight.

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