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Actor Andre Braugher has died at the age of 61. Aww man, I absolutely loved Braugher in Homicide: Life on the Street.

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Reb Butler

He was great in Homicide (as were a lot of others - that show belongs in any list of top shows of the last 50 years.) He also killed it as Capt. Holt in Brooklyn 9-9. I know it's inevitable that we lose people all the time, but this one, for me, was a gut punch.

Zak Mahshie

I found out about this from my son, who simply texted the family chat: "Captain Holt just died ๐Ÿ˜"

Zak Mahshie

Yep, messed that up. The full text was: "Captain Holt just died ๐Ÿ˜. day so absolutely ruined."

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