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The Nature Conservancy’s Photo Contest Winners for 2023

a spider generating its egg sac with its own web

Nature Conv 2023 02

The holes dug by fish for spawning can be seen after the pond has dried up

The Nature Conservancy has announced this year’s winners of their annual photo contest. Collectively, the winning photographs “gave voice to nature and showed us the power and peril of the natural world”. As usual, I selected a few of my favorites and included them above. From top to bottom:

  • Jaime Daniel Fajardo Torres: “This is a species of spider known as ogre spiders, of the genus Deinopis. The photograph was taken at night in the middle of a mature forest in northern Ecuador in the tropical rainforest of the Ecuadorian Chocó, a place considered a hotspot. The spider photographed was generating its egg sac with its own web.”
  • HJ Yang: An orca attacks two seals in the morning on the beach.
  • Jeanny Tang: “The holes dug by fish for spawning can be seen after the pond has dried up.”

(via in focus)


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