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The Best of Japan’s Mundane Halloween Costumes for 2023

There are only a couple of things I like about Halloween: 1. Heidi Klum’s costumes (last year she dressed up as a worm), and 2. the relatively recent Japanese tradition of mundane Halloween costumes. From Spoon & Tamago and Nick Kapur (here too), here are a few of my favorite mundane costumes:

'Factory worker who wore a helmet all day' Halloween costume

“Factory worker who wore a helmet all day”

'Person who was about to be late for work, but then their train got delayed and now they are taking their time since they got a proof-of-delay ticket from the station' Halloween costume

“Person who was about to be late for work, but then their train got delayed and now they are taking their time since they got a proof-of-delay ticket from the station”

'Person taking a hearing test at the doctor's office' Halloween costume

“Person taking a hearing test at the doctor’s office”

See also 2021’s best costumes, including “guy who leans in as his Mario Kart character turns a curve”.


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